1. Constant: Average month in days = 365,25 / 12 = 30,4375....

  1. Determination of the difference in days between the installation date (or date of the first meter reading, if there are several meter snapshots) and the date of the last meter reading. Example: The difference in days between 2.11.2014 and 2.10.2019 is 1795 days.

  1. Calculation of the number of months as decimal number: x-day/ 30,4375= x,xxxx months

          Example: 1795/ 30,4375... = 58,9833… Months

  1. if the decimal part is less than 0.5 or greater than 0.95, then the whole month is rounded down or up. Our Example: 58,9833 🡪 59 months. Further examples:  at 106,63 -> 107; at 106,04 -> 106; at 106,89 -> 107; at 106,06 -> 106 etc.

  1. Calculated monthly volume: meter reading / x-months = X ... (respectively rounded …per month). Example: 128547/ 59 months = 2178,76 = 2179

Please note! If you do not add a purchase date, by default, MSD is using the “Market Launch” + x month (as defined in the Project Settings) (screen shot 1)

     screen shot  36