Optimize Table
The optimization workspace is structured in 2 halves:
- Left: Current state (We recommend to change the list view to “ Non Optimized”)
- Right: Future state
1. To optimize assets, select one or more devices (by holding the CTRL key and click on the assets with your
left mouse key) and click on the optimize button (screen shot 1)
screen shot 1
2. In the Asset Transfer - Dialog you can choose how to optimize (screen shot 2)
You will be asked if you want to:
- Keep the current device(s) and transfer them to the future state.
- Replace them one by one
- Replace multiple devices bye one (only available if you selected more than one device before)
- Replace one device by multiple devices
screen shot 2
3. Select a device from the database of your portfolio and click on "Apply Selected" to add the selected device
to the new future situation (screen shot 3)
screen shot 3
4. Assign accessories to the selected asset (screen shot 4)
screen shot 4