Environmental impact calculation (Green IT)
Prepares the following figures for the presentation of the environmental impact
1. Energy consumption (kWh) – requires the kWh consumption of devices on site and consumption of
the manufacturing process
2. CO2 footprint (kg) – CO2 footprint of manufacturing processes and pollution by the power supply
3. Water consumption (liters) – required from the manufacturing process of paper
4. Wood consumption (tons) – required from the manufacturing process of paper
Considers the following factors for the total energy consumption
- The direct energy consumption of the assets on site. For details of the direct energy consumption calculation see below.
- required energy for the production of paper
- required energy for the production of supplies
Considers the following factors for the CO2 footprint
- The direct energy consumption of the assets on site as well as the CO2 emission caused by power plants based on the kWh to CO2 factor in the settings (screen shot 1).
screen shot 1
- CO2 emission as a result of production of paper
- CO2 emission as a result of production of supplies
Considers the following factors for the water and wood consumption
- required water during the manufacturing process of paper (screen shot 2)
screen shot 20
- required wood during the manufacturing process of paper (screen shot 3)
screen shot 3
Uses for comparison values
- the average weight of a tree (screen shot 4)
screen shot 4
- the average amount of energy consumed by a household (screen shot 5)
screen shot 5
- CO2 emission per average driven mile or kilometer by a car (screen shot 6)
screen shot 6